First thing’s fist: Chocolate Mousse has raw eggs. But can we cook the eggs somehow to kill that badass salmonella that lurks in and around the egg shell, you might ask. Sure we can, and there are tons of recipes that will skip the egg yolks but fold in the whipped whites (still raw), or completely skip the eggs altogether and fluff the mousse with whipped cream. But frankly speaking, you might as well apply the mousse made without eggs to style your hair cause that ain’t mousse, honey.
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Chocolate mousse has a texture which is not smooth like whipped cream. It’s dense but airy enough so that when you dip your spoon into the stiff chocolate, you will hear the same scrunching noise that your curly locks make when you scrunch them with your fingers. Try it. The chocolate mousse shouldn’t resemble pudding. It should have a slightly webbed texture under the smooth surface. As for salmonella, raw eggs carry a tiny risk of bacteria but as long as your eggs are fresh, you should be A-okay. Make sure you don’t separate the eggs by flipping them back and forth in its egg shell because bacteria usually hides in the shell. I always drop the egg into my palm and spacing out my fingers just a tad, I wiggle the eggs until the egg whites drip through between my fingers into a clean bowl. This saves a lot of time rather than making the poor egg dance in its shell. So, yes you need eggs, and no, we’re not cooking them because traditional chocolate mousse is made with raw eggs.
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Alright, so this is enough mousse talk to last a lifetime. Let’s get fancy in 10 minutes! This chocolate mousse is rich, decadent, heavenly, orgasmic concoction! You’ve been warned.
- 3.5 oz dark chocolate (60-70% cocoa)
- 1 tbsp unsalted butter
- 2 eggs, separated ROOM TEMPERATURE*
- ⅓ cup cream
- 4 tbsp sugar, divided
- Put a pot of simmering water on the stove. Place a glass or metal bowl on the pot and melt chocolate and butter. Make sure the water does not touch the bowl.
- While chocolate is melting, separate the eggs and whip up the egg whites using a stand mixer or handheld beaters. Once egg whites are frothy, add 2 tbsp sugar and whip until you reach glossy stiff peaks.
- By this time, the chocolate should have melted. Remove from the stove and stir for a minute to let it cool. We don't want the egg yolks to cook.
- Next, lightly beat the egg yolks and stir them into the chocolate until the yellow has disappeared. You will notice your chocolate thicken and lose some of its shine. *Your eggs MUST be room temperature or the chocolate will seize.
- Now fold in ⅓ of the whites into the chocolate very gently by running the spatula around the edge of the bowl and bringing it in the center. Continue folding the remaining egg whites.
- Finally, whip up the cream with 2 tbsp sugar until it reaches soft to stiff peaks.
- Fold the whipped cream the same way you folded the whites.
- Don't be tempted to over mix because we don't want the mousse to deflate. The mousse should be thick and fluffy and not drip like a ribbon from the spatula.
- Divide the mousse into serving glasses, cover with cling film and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
- Garnish with fresh raspberries, a mint leaf and indulge!